because you told me so

Words are just empty sounds.
It takes an action to make me believe you.
I can say whatever I want but it doesn't prove anything.
And so do you.
So here we stad, you and me.
I don't think it's like we wanted.
But we can't help it, it's love.
And what can we do about what they think ?
Nothing else than prove.
This is love, this is true, and it's real.
We proved you wrong when you all said that this couln't be.
Because it is, it is love. And it's stronger than you believe.
No one can ever say this isn't real, and that it's just a phase.
Don't you believe us after this year ?
Don't you understand ?
And fuck everyone that can't take it.
You're just blind, empty and senseless.
I'm still the same as I've always been, I just opened my eyes.
You should do it to.

» sakke

Together, our love can manage anything, as long as we believe.

I love you, and i know in my heart that our love it is real <3

2009-12-14 // 13:33:49

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